Luke was a small business owner who specialized in creating high-end, warm, and heavy, sweaters. While his products were well-received by those who purchased them, and though his website attracted a lot of visitors, sales lagged as customers struggled to grasp the value of Luke’s heavy winter sweater concept.
One day, Luke had an idea: why not use live chat on his website to engage with potential customers and sell them his sweaters? He knew that according to a study, over 55% of Americans prefer shopping online, but sometimes had thoughts needing to be addressed before making a purchase. Luke also read online that live chat “can lead to a 40% increase in conversion rates” which is exactly the type of boost his online sweater business needed!
So, Luke searched online and found Convosio, an affordable, dynamic, and easy-to-set add, live chat feature to his website.
At first, when Luke signed up for Convosio, he wasn't sure how effective the live chat add-on would be in terms of generating sales.
However, almost instantly after adding live chat, Luke began engaging with visitors who landed on his site, this was a nice change. Luke now had control over his potential customers' thoughts by addressing their concerns! He made sure to be available during business hours and took advantage of Convosio’s chatbot feature to have a resource to continue interacting with customers when he was sleeping. Customers appreciated the quick responses to any of their thoughts raised. Live chat stopped potential customers from getting bored, and disheartened by a lack of information on the website, therefore buying elsewhere from a competitor. So guess what happened next? Sales increased!
Luke also found that he was able to provide a more personalized shopping experience for his customers with live chat. Convosio enable Luke to provide product recommendations and answer questions about sizing and fit, which helped customers feel more confident about making a purchase. This process proved another statistic he read online, that “63% of people who contact a company via live chat are likely to return to the site”, as it happened, repeat business was now occurring.
Sweater began selling so well that the textile factory in Turkey was soon overwhelmed with orders and Luke needed to find a way to manage his inventory, which is when Morsix entered the mix. Luke came across a powerful warehouse management system that tracked inventory via an intuitive and advanced platform. The software was called “Morsix” and it was created by the same founders of Convosio, so the two systems interlinked seamlessly. With Morsix at his fingertips, both Luke and the textile directors in Turkey were able to communicate seamlessly and even anticipate seasonal demand so that “out-of-stock” was never an issue.
As a result of using both a live chat and warehouse management system, Luke's business grew tremendously. He gained more customers, and more positive reviews, which fulfilled his end goal of selling his valuable, high-end, heavy, warm winter sweaters. His company eventually went mainstream and afforded opening retail locations worldwide.
Overall, Luke's use of live chat on his website achieved greater success than he ever expected.
Live chat empowers business owners to interact with potential customers right away, right when they are most interested in their product, the initial visit to their website. If your online store isn’t using live chat yet, sign up for Convosio today and start capitalizing on your website visitors just like Luke did, you have nothing to lose, the software is free to start using, and all the potential sales to gain! The statistics don’t lie your sales will increase with live chat!